Professional certificates
Professional Certificates at Vires Training: Certify your experience and improve your employability
In, we offer you the opportunity to obtain Professional Certificates, an official accreditation that recognizes your professional skills, whether through your training or work experience. These certificates, endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, are an excellent tool to improve your employability and access new job opportunities.
Showing all 6 results
ADGG0408 – Operaciones auxiliares de servicios administrativos y generales
Information management systems – IFCD0211
SSCB0209 – Dinamización de actividades de tiempo libre educativo infantil y juvenil
SSCE0110 – Docencia de la formación profesional para el empleo
SSCS0208 – Atención sociosanitaria a personas dependiente en instituciones sociales
Medical Transport – SANTO208